My last screen-printing class of the six week course with Betty Rodriguez and Jessica Trevizo at Oil and Cotton is this coming Sunday. Preparing for class over the past several weeks has helped me stretch creatively and add a skill that allows me to make somewhat uniform, but not boringly uniform, reproductions of my calligraphic creations.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Taking classes, giving classes
I am on week three of my printmaking class with Betty Rodriguez and Jessica Trevizo at Oil and Cotton. It is fun. Above is my two color project and below is a detail of my three color project.
As you can see, I am keeping it very simple for now, and incorporating text (that I wrote) into the prints.
I will definitely make screen-printed invitations available as part of my calligraphy service. I am happy I will be able to do that. I will post some samples soon.
Also, I am so excited! I am going to take Matt Cusick's Walnut Ink Making class on October 27 and Shannon Driscoll's In the Studio: Cards and Envelopes class on November 25...both at Oil and Cotton.
I will be teaching two classes coming up at Oil and Cotton...Calligraphy: Pen and Ink on October 18 at 6:30p (that's next Friday) and Calligraphy: Cursive Envelope Addressing on November 15 at 6:30p.
Sign up now! The classes at Oil and Cotton fill up fast, and as you can see I love learning new things, broadening my skills, and sharing information on a subject I love.