2011 has been a whirlwind year for A. Scribe. I have had the privilege of working with people like Marion Marshall of Absolutely Blooming. Marion has an eye for color and unique design that will get the festivities started and keep them going. I am honored to have began working with her this year. I look forward to more collaborations in 2012.
I have also worked with the Dallas Contemporary on membership mailings. Recently, an exhibition opening was held for Rob Pruitt of New York, David Jablonowski of Germany, and Failure of Austin. I look forward to more exciting times in the arts at the Contemporary.
Sticker designed by Alex Curington and printed by Swag Dealer.
I have also had the opportunity to teach a workshop at Oil and Cotton with Paper Nerds, Shannon Driscoll and Kayli House Cusick. The experience has been unbelievably rewarding. I look forward to teaching more workshops and continued learning for myself as well as any students that participate in the sessions.
Next calligraphy workshop coming in February 2012!
Through Marion Marshall and her taking me to the Arboretum Night, I was able to meet Elizabeth Gonzalez of After Yes and others from the Bell Jar. I look forward to working with them next year as well.. Happy Holidays!
Have you ever watched Top Docs of DFW (on the 33 KDAF)? This is a perfect Sunday morning show...informative, but somewhat entertaining...nice, vanilla viewing to ease you into the week. Anyway, the subject came up one morning on Top Docs that more women go to the doctor than men for preventative medical care. This is a common problem that affects marriages as well. What are some ways both men and women can take measures toward good health?
Schedule yearly check-ups for which you get a reminder call, mailing, or e-mail.
Built in annual exams will lessen the likelihood to make excuses about why you shouldn't go. Another plus is saving money on medical cost. Many insurance companies cover preventative care and taking precautions cuts down on the probability of having a chronic ailment and/or visit to the emergency room.
Get monthly massages, acupressure, and/or acupuncture sessions together.
Many people are starting to realize the benefits of getting a massageand having acupressure oracupuncture sessions regularly. All three methods are relaxing, and Hands-On Therapy and Luxury On Loversare great places to check into if you want a massage or to have an acupressure or acupuncture session. Anything you can do to reduce stress will help boost your immune system and maintain your health. Scheduling this time together can be great for your relationship as well. Calligrapher's tip: You have seen the words of wisdom and encouragement framed and hanging in doctors' offices and in spas. Well, you can have this in your own home. Just contact your favorite calligrapher and have your favorite quote immortalized.
Exercise together daily for at least thirty minutes.
Walking, dancing, swimming, and cycling are some fun and inexpensive ways to get moving without feeling like you are “exercising”. They also allow for great bonding time, elevate your mood, and improve health. Not to mention, how great you will look in (and out of) your clothes for yourself and your honey.
Anyway, this is a must do date night. Why? The warm, beautiful Texas nights, the perfect place to picnic, and some of the most romantic and imaginative words packed into a great play, that's why. Do it! Calligrapher's tip: Remember the tip from last week to write each other love letters? Well, if you do not have the words, this play contains plenty. If you want to make it extra special you could have a calligrapher write the words down for you.
Together you can go on a journey through the human condition, witness levels of love that soar to the heavens, and marvel at the scope of this playwright's mind in just a few hours of bliss (and it's not even Shakespeare).
So go and have a fantastic time. You will have so much fun, you will want to get a membership for Shakespeare Dallas!
As a little treat, enjoy this past live performance of a group called UTFO performing the song Roxanne, Roxanne (1984). It too has some great play with words on the theme of a "hard to get" Roxanne.
Lately, politicians (most notably former Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and Representative Anthony Weiner) have been in the news for their extramarital activities. It is nothing new. And, though women cheat, too, the vast major of these very public examples involve men cheating on women. There are many reasons for this. To name a few, it is socially acceptable (to a certain extent) for men to cheat, some women tend to fall off in the sex department once married, and bad communication. It does not have to be this way.
Unions and Collective Bargaining Rights
Everyone from Dr. Laura to Dan Savage will tell you that one major way men show love and affection is through sex (not talking). This fact can be great early in a relationship and begin to get a bit troublesome the longer the relationship goes on. There are many solutions once it becomes a problem. Ladies, though you do not want to let too many people, too far into the private affairs between you and your husband, it can be helpful to have a “union” of close friends, spiritual guides, and therapists who give you an outlet for talking and sharing (since your husband does not necessarily have the capacity to take it ALL on). This network of people can help you design a set of “collective bargaining rights” that help keep you happy and more available for sex with your husband. In some cases, this could include an arrangement that allows third parties mediate in one way or another.
Parks and Recreation
One major mistake that a person makes which can lead to straying in marriage, is believing that he or she can continuously put himself or herself in positions where he or she will be tempted. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we are all adults and have self-control, but we all also have times when we are vulnerable and bored. It is not as if one has to go to extremes to avoid these types of situations. Simply, being in tune with when you are feeling frisky or bored, and avoiding inappropriate activity accordingly, can help. Regular 'date nights', mixing it up the sex domain, and maintaining intimacy with you partner are other deterrents. Calligrapher tip: Write each other love notes. They are more intimate than texts and less likely to end up all over the world.
Remember to keep it interesting and avoid taking each other for granted. If you see things are starting to get out of hand, schedule an appointment with a trusted spiritual guide or therapists that is right for you.